Friday, August 25, 2006

Senator's potrayal of servanthood

with the arrival of senator Barrack Obama in kenya.His 15 day trip to africa may not be monumental but i tend to think that right here in kenya it has been of great significance.Not only because kenya is belived to be the country of his father's roots but also because of his ideologies.His coming to kenya has been highlighted with alot of expectancy and has caught the atention of people from all sectors.All the media outlets in the country have been filled with stories that have been centering upon the senator's trip.I was particularly amused yesterday when i ws going through one of the local dailies on one of the columns and this is what it said"...if your ancestors were born near the lake Victoria and you have not booked a room for a weekend in kisumu city/( a town on the western region of kenya where it particularly Senators father hails from) then you are a bicupili-ugandan's slang for fake."

The writer continued to say that a true descendant of the lake could not afford to be dancing ohangla -traditional dance for the luo community in kenya- in nairobi while the regions most prominent son touched base with his roots.

However since iam not from the lake region, none of this really caught my attention. The only thing that aroused my interest in this purpoted son of the lake was his seeming servanthood spirit.I read again -somewhere else- that when one American journalist asked this son of the lake-rather arrogantly, according to the writer- why he was heading to Africa. the son of the lake frankly stated "Because Africa matters!"
Right there the son of the lake made a mark on my servanthood scoring board. our world today needs leaders who will be willing to go beyond their comfort zones and reach out to other peolple selflessly.

Phil 2;3. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.ech one of you should look not only to your own interests , but also to the interest of others.

To many people, senator Obama's Africa visit may spell a different meaning but i particularly see his visit as a definition of selflessnes in servanthood in a prayer is that we will have many more leaders that can emulate him and realize that all human beings on the face of the earth matters!

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